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The Stoned Theory Of My Own Destruction is an adult picaresque novel that immediately plunges the reader into the dark, seamy side of life for twenty-nine-year-old Ray, whose troubles with hallucinogens and struggles with schizophrenia lead him down a crazy path where he must deal with his dysfunctional family and reality. Buy the ebook and custom prints available on Amazon with the regular paperback and hardcover available via the wildly morbid, super-toxic, and disintegrating juggernaut of Technossance Press

“I think you've got something really interesting here. The drug-addled stream-of-consciousness viewpoint is ambitious, but when it works it's very effective ― almost visceral.”

(Jane, The Editorial Department)


“As the novel stands it is mesmerising. The almost pure poetry that the author uses helps elevate this novel to a higher level than just a story of a crazy person on drugs.” 

(Alison, Beta Readers)

“The book is interesting to read. It’s tone is almost like Kerouac’s and rewarding to persist through.”

(Justin, Beta Readers)


“I found the story profound. I can honestly say that I have never read anything like this and I will remember it for a very long time to come.”

(Robyn, Beta Readers) 

"I finished reading your novel. What a tour de force! The last quarter of the book was brimming with excitement ― well worth the read.”

(Raymond Findlay)

"Ray’s narrative voice similarly has a lot of energy and Ray’s personality is entertaining and enjoyable. Although he is miserable and suffering in many ways, he has an ironic verve and a great sense of humour about his situation and the people around him and the unfolding events. Ray’s an engaging character and the narrative voice has a lot of charm."

(Jonathan Ball)


"I thought your novel has a lot of potential to be one enjoyed by readers of literary fiction. This was an interesting experience and I think you did a fantastic job making it all seem realistic. A lot of your themes fit in with the type of ones I studied in college. I could see college classes reading and discussing this book at length. "

(Juliette Townsend)

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Scour the internet and a short story is available online: Pink Bunny Rabbits was accepted for the July/August 2018 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine. 

The Literary Yard published his flash fiction. And that's all you get from the author because he's not re-releasing the edited Midnight Traffic Report, a wildly imaginative but mostly amusing short story on traffic that draws on his interest in media.  

"Winter road conditions reports on The Traffic Channel saved lives in the flourishing town of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The Traffic Channel was a major employer. Wyatt A. McReynolds was hired to a handsome contract in the Fall of 2001. Soon the traffic reports were a staple of early morning satellite television spreading across the Canadian Prairies."

See my last video appearance with French Press Bookworks Author Roundtable. I had some guest comments about reading daily. Just follow the YouTube link:

Lionheart Leaks

Technossance Magazine presents a fresh twist to the comic book format. Richard leaks a collection of Lionheart's stories with issues. We often speak about reading as an escape, a book to read, to keep us company, but it caused Richard to perceive the world more intensely, more avidly, observing things differently with a different tenor and understanding. The magazine keeps him company in the strange, real world.

The graphic novel art and blog stories are brought to you by love and hunger. Graphic novels include a clear beginning, middle, and end; Lionheart Leaks has no real end. But sometimes it's fun to read and hear something amateur, this killer blast from the past from a comic writer.

Lionheart Enterprises® is not all that meets the eye when a faceless dark organization emerges. There are no reviews for this mint-condition experimental comic collection.

There's crime fiction stuff and music, leaks from Lionheart, and audio recordings from a network of radio stations. It's all here for fair use. It's free. It costs nothing. 

The digital magazine with a multitude of functions is essentially a comic e-zine, but call it whatever you want. This "I was just joking" masterpiece is finished.

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Richard's last blog includes internet poetry. Richard's body of work in poetry includes reflections, narrative verse, and ranges from conventional to old unconventional, from confessional, bizarre forms of free verse.

"Spring leads a man to work with tin
And a crow to scare beyond a field,
A rebel kingdom where hearts spin."


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