Summer Sound
I believe in Voodoo.
It feels like I’m getting closer to voodoo magic. Voodoo Walters is a guitarist, singer, and songwriter who I’ve been listening to a lot recently. He’s put on some great shows over the past year and it’s been a pleasure to hear him perform. Cakewalk is a follow-up to the limited-release live CD, Lucky 13, and its original collection of songs showcases the rowdy, soulful, funky, and fun nature of blues.

Sometimes I feel like a voodoo doll. The Urban Dictionary defines a voodoo doll “as the object that a person performs voodoo acts through, usually to cause harm to another human.” I think what the Urban Dictionary omits is the fact that the person performing voodoo acts can also cause good to another human. I’m adjusting my wardrobe to feel the good vibes from any voodoo magic. It's all good.
My listening interests vary from WABC to WRICH. Sometimes I freak out thinking Fraggle Rock wasn’t heavy enough and it could have been Fraggle Heavy Metal, but I go high on the radio dial listening to pure blues whenever I’m reminded Tuesday’s gone. Summer weekend getaways include easy day trips to classic summer destinations.